Friday, April 29, 2011

Monthly book round up.

Midway through last year I decided to start a book journal. I wrote down everything that I read (and finish) in each month as a way to encourage myself to read more. I used to read a lot when I was younger but it seems there is always something else to do these days and I don't read as much as I would like. 

Looking back at the book journal now you can definitely see when the uni holidays starts and finishes. I tend to read when I'm at my parents house too, mainly because getting on the Internet up in the bush is so damn hard! I have to say that the last few months have been a really poor effort in the reading department for me. I hadn't finished reading any books in February or March this year. BUT I was reading still, I just didn't finish any. (So I guess that makes it a little bit better?

Now it's the end of April (it's actually my dad's birthday today, happy birthday dad!) so I thought I'd share the books I read this month.

I have been reading this book on and off for the last few months. I finally finished it last night! I feel bad that it took so long to read because it was on loan from a friend, but now I can give it back.

I'm counting this one even though it mainly full of graphics and pretty pictures. That still counts as reading right? 

That wasn't all that I read this month, but it was all I finished! I'm about halfway through some other books at the moment, I'm sure I'll be finished them by the end of May.

I hope so anyway! =)

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